
viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

Enjoy the summer!

Quisiera despedirme tras un año donde vuestros hijos han trabajado mucho y hemos disfrutado tremendamente las clases de inglés. Quería daros mi recomendación para este verano, además de descansar os invito a que sigáis exponiendo a vuestros hijos al inglés, como siempre contamos con una herramienta muy potente: YOUTUBE y la televisión, así que nos pueden servir de gran ayuda.
Un enorme saludo y feliz verano. "ENJOY THE SUMMER!"

viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

Monkey Puzzle....

Welcome to the last story of our favourite writer, Julia Donaldson. The course has arrived to the end, and we are going to say goodbye to it with a story about a monkey, that is: "Monkey Puzzle". Enjoy the reading.  

If you wanto to find it, I post the cover and the ISBN code:

ISBN: 0333720008

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

A Squash and a Squeeze

Hello again! I'm back to school, and I really want to resume the course. The best way to do so, is with a new story of Julia Donaldson. In this case, it is the turn to the story of an Old Lady that used to lived in a very tiny house. Here it comes: "A squash and a squeeze".

If you want to listen the song of story, click in this youtube link:

If you prefer just the story....

We have continued talking about this story in the Arts subject. Some of the pupils have made their own farms. All of them had a POND for the DUCK, a BARN for the COW, a HEN HOUSE for the HEN, a DOG HOUSE for the DOG, a STABLE for the HORSE, and a MEADOW for the SHEEP. They have developed all their creativity and the results are amazing!!!

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

El cazo de Lorenzo

A tender story to teach children the differences between kids their same age.
El cazo de Lorenzo

Me permito poner en este blog the inglés una historia en castellano. Quería compartir esta historia con todos los alumnos, no sólo con los que cursan Alternativa, ya que me parece un libro de una sensibilidad inmensa. Quizás muchos de vosotros ya lo conozcáis, pero en mi caso cayó en mis manos hace unas semanas gracias a mi sobrino, entonces descubrí el potencial que tiene para aplicarlo en el aula. La semana pasada los alumnos de tercero de la Alternativa a la religión trabajamos a través de este precioso libro para entender las diferencias que nos separan entre otros niños de nuestra misma edad y entender el esfuerzo que tienen que realizar día a día. A través de él conoceremos sus diferencias pero de la misma manera apreciaremos también sus cualidades.

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

The smartest giant in town

Here it comes the new story about a Giant who wanted to become the most elegant one in the town. It is another success from our favourite writer: Julia Donaldson, that assures us enjoyment till the end. I posted on this blog the link on youtube, the picture of the cover and the ISBN reference if you want to find it and read it at home.

ISBN: 0333961447

This is the beautiful wall we created following the story. We were very proud of our displays, that is why we wanted to share them with the rest of the students. We hung them up in one of the corridors`corners.

In the story George, the giant, wants to be the smartest giant in the town. He felt very embarrassed, although his attempt, he considered himself as the Scruffiest giant in the town. We could learn some adjectives like "Scruffy", "Kind", "Old", "Cosy" and "Comfortable".

He was feeling very ashamed, so he decided to go to a shop in order to buy new clothes, that is when we learnt some adjectives like "Elegant" and "Smart".

However, George was very generous, so he shared all his new clothes with all the animals he found in his way home. But, when the wind started to blow, his trousers fall down!!!! He learnt some adjectives like: "Shivery", "Cold" and "Sad".

viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

The tiger who came to tea...

We are learning about the Food, so enjoy this story as they have learned in the class: "The tiger who came to tea"

viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014



Help this marcian to make a pizza.
Ayuda a este marciano a crear su pizza.

Memory Games

Match the pictures.


You have lots of games for playing with the computer

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Let's do a Picnic!!!

We are learning vocabulary about FOOD, so we decided to prepare a PICNIC in the classroom. Do you like it?

miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014


All the students of the school got their tickets and came and visited the Third Course Zoo!!! That was a great success!!!Everyone enjoyed it, and as a teacher, I have to say thank you to visitors and the zoo staff. Personally speaking I feel very proud with all the third-course-students because they performed their roles correctly. Thank you to all the ZOOKEEPERS, ZOO GUIDERS and TICKET OFFICERS.

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

the gruffalo song

Everyone sing the song of the Gruffalo at home.


"Somos una marea de gente...todos diferentes", por eso también en inglés queremos celebrar el día de la paz. Para ello qué mejor manera que disfrutar de un capítulo de Peppa Pig, en donde deciden celebrar el día internacional.

Algunas palomitas con valores en inglés que han hecho los alumnos de tercero. Valores como: LOVE, RESPET. WORK TOGETHER, HONESTY, FRIENDS, TAKE TURNS, HELP, TRUST, FAIR and LISTEN.


Now it's time to start with the new reading: "The Gruffalo", an amazing story of Julia Donaldson.

If you want to buy it, this is the ISBN: 0333710924


And our creations inspired in the Gruffalo´s creature.

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Walking in the jungle

We are learning about Wild Animals, a way of reviewing what we have learned is listening to songs. This is a song called "Walking in the jungle".

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014

Peppa Pig's Christmas

We have already passed the Christmas festivity, but we can continue learning some English with it.

The mixed up chamaleon...

In Unit Three we are learning "Wild Animals", we are preparing our Zoo, but in the meantime we can enjoy the story of the "mixed up chamaleon" who visited a Zoo.